TSP 2024 TSP 2024

47th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing

July 10-12, 2024 
Virtual Conference 

Online Registration

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Final Paper Submission: June 24, 2024
  • Authors' Registration and Payment: July 1, 2024
  • eCopyright Submission: July 1, 2024
  • Authors' Video Presentation Upload: July 1, 2024

„Age of Generative AI“


TSP 2024 Student Best Paper Award

In cooperation with IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter, to recognize outstanding technical contributions by students, as evidenced by the quality of papers, their presentations, and their technical excellence, the authors of the Best 5 Student Papers will be awarded during the conference by the Technical Committee. 

Eligible criterion for receiving the Award: 
  • Student papers must be marked during the paper submission,
  • The first author of the paper is an M.Sc. or Ph.D. student at the time of the paper submission and has to be proven during the registration, and
  • The paper must be personally or online presented by the student.
The following procedure will be applied to select the Best Student Papers:

During the review process, reviewers will be asked to assess, if the student papers have Award quality based on originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or theoretical fundamentals on telecommunications or signal processing. Based on the reviews, the Technical Committee will make a list of Best Student Papers. After that, students will be evaluated according to their presentation and ability to communicate and respond to questions concerning the topic of the paper during the conference. A Technical Committee will review again all the papers on joint list and will eventually select the papers to be awarded with the Best Student Paper Award.


The Best Student Paper Award consists in a Certificate of Appreciation.