TSP 2024 TSP 2024

47th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing

July 10-12, 2024 
Virtual Conference 

„Age of Generative AI“


General Information

Welcome to the official website of the 2024 47th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP -  IEEE Conference Record #63128 ), which will be organized online during July 10-12, 2024. In cooperation with the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa), IEEE Czechoslovakia Section, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section SP/CAS/COM Joint Chapter, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Computer Chapter, and Scientific Association for Infocommunications, a Sister Society of the IEEE and the IEEE Communications Society, the TSP 2024, driven by the theme 'Age of Generative AI', is organized  by eighteen universities from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Croatia, Taiwan, Japan, Slovak Republic, Spain, Bulgaria, France, Romania, Slovenia, Greece, and Poland, for academics, researchers, and developers, and it serves as a premier annual international forum to promote the exchange of the latest advances in telecommunication technology and signal processing. The aim of the conference is to bring together both novice and experienced scientists, developers, and specialists, to meet new colleagues, collect new ideas, and establish new cooperation between research groups from universities, research centers, and private sectors from the whole Europe, America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. The international expansion motivates the organizers in their effort to providing a platform for exchanging information and experience to help to improve the level and extent of scientific cooperation between university students, academics, and employees of research centers. The official language of the conference is English.

After the conference, the authors of about 40% of the highest-rated papers will also be invited to submit the extended version for publishing in Special Journal Issues (papers to be published after significant extension and new review process).


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